correspondence 1

hisoricly energy such as oil has involved most top-down organisations that havent cared much about sustainability of peoples in places they operate - see the 2012 vbook The Oli Curse by Michael Ross which maps how many conflicts are caused by oil with surprisingly new twists wgere nation states are funded by oli not taxes

we believe that green energy can create up to 1 bi of 3 billion new jobs the net generation needs to co-create

to make the transformation we need to map how to triangularise



*mediating conflicts


in this case top means most resourced networks that want to help the net generation create billion grren jobs- which networks win-win-win as top leaders of green - ones we are currently tracking (tell us yours) are

the four i know how to connect if we can help them as well as our own green job creating are
1 the oscars of green at 
2 the knowledge of scaling green through poorest villages - where i know the leaders of the bangladeshi networks who do that
3 japan who like bangladesh  has the most urgent need for green and who always celebrated my fathers view of job creating economics more than anyone else from an award from the emperor down
4's free university partners where green and sustainable jobs of africas farmers and youth are the one change that obama has helped usaid make in last 4 years
it is true that the above 4 have different foci that make them natural partners; the network I would most like to know how to linkingn better is all alumni of MIT
are you already connected with the most active people in the above networks and if not which one network apart from MIT should I write to with what introduction on what you are linking in

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