can we change value chain of taking a company public

facebook is just the most wasteful of 2 decades of ipos (remember the dotbombs)

its not just that every player in the ipo process is rewarded for extracting the most from a system design just when its at its greatest leverage junction ever up or down- its that numbers people have wrongly modelled goodwill (see research on unseen wealth) 

goodwill auditing should integrate analysis of: is your future compounding a rising exponential through a multiwin model that will make you a leader of way above zero sum that makes knowledge network economics abundantly be different from the industrial age's scarcity economics

 - knowledge multiplies value in use whereas things get consumed up 

if, like The Economist's friends of the Net Generation since 1984, you value peace and sustainability for your children, the age of death of distance, where borderless partnerships needed launches of organisations valued because they do not compound risks at boundaries; enjoying the abundant economics of living in age of million times more collaboration tech than when man racesd for the moon

THEN ITS TIME TO FACE UP TO INCONVENIENT TRUTHS that suggest we're being spun towards Orwell's Big Brother endgame - such waste of human energy as bit by bit we have never used technology less economically, less socially and less sustainably - and the way ipo's are going we may well put youth out of work just at a decade that coukd have been youths most productive time

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